TIPS FOR PERFECT CABBAGE STEAKS Choose a fresh, firm and crisp cabbage. Remove the outer leaves from the cabbage. Rinse the cabbage and pat dry. Cut off the bottom of the stem and use a sharp knife to cut the cabbage into 1-inch thick pieces. Season both sides of the cabbage steak. Make sure you drizzle a generous amount of olive oil on your cabbage steak



  1. Preheat the oven to 400F.
  2. Place the red cabbage steaks on a parchment-lined baking tray. Mix the olive oil with the balsamic vinegar, petimezi, and a pinch of fresh thyme. Using a pastry brush, coat the red cabbage steaks on both sides with this. The apple only needs to be coated with olive oil and petimezi, no other sauce or dressing. Bake the steaks and apple slices in the oven. Remove the steaks and apple slices after 15 minutes. Leave the apple slices aside. Turn the red cabbage steaks, add the whole almonds as well as the hazelnuts and put them back in the oven for 10 more minutes.
  3. Remove the red cabbage steaks from the oven and place them on a serving dish. Place the apple slices between and around the red cabbage steaks. Then add the roasted almonds and hazelnuts. Pick some thyme leaves and sprinkle them and season the dish to taste.

Want to learn more easy, healthy Mediterranean diet recipes? Sign up for my online course “Mastering the Mediterranean!

Want to learn more easy, healthy Mediterranean diet recipes? Sign up for my online course “Mastering the Mediterranean!

Love vegetables? Want to learn more great plant-based Mediterranean dishes? Enroll in my onlineย  class “Baked Vegetable Classics!”ย 

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